Wedding at Brenner’s on The Bayou in Houston | Ashley & Rick

Happy Summer! The Summer heat tends to announce itself pretty dramatically every year. We’re cruising along enjoying a fairly mild Spring and then one day, it’s just over. For a lot of places in the Northern states, the traditional Summer wedding is a super busy time of year for photographers. Summer is only “hot” up there not our kind of HOT. We’re busy in our own ways, but to have a Summer wedding, couples just have to know you’re going to brave the heat, or the rain, and you have to just go for it. If you’re going to go for it, do it like Ashley and Rick. Wow, what a beautiful day. We started the day in gorgeous rooms at the Four Seasons in downtown hanging out with the guys and girls. We always love these times spent where everyone is outside of the press of the schedule, and relaxed with their closest friends and family.

Now, we aren’t in Houston. We live in Beaumont. Every year we make a handful of wedding related trips to Houston so we typically have fun with it and make it in to a weekend. This time with our schedules being pretty tight, we did the whole thing in a day, and it was one of those days where you are happily spent when you pull in to the driveway.

I think the cool thing about shooting in Houston is we’re always bouncing to some venue we have never attended. I know some brides can get a little nervous about photographers shooting a place for the first time, but I’ll actually say that when photographers have a new place, they actually tend to step up their game just a tiny bit. It keeps us on our toes, but most of all it keeps us newly inspired. We love our Southeast Texas Wedding venues of course, but there is always something refreshing with diving in to a new place we have never seen. I guess I should also say, we aren’t hyper focused on scenery or details in favor of light and people, but there’s no doubt that shooting in a new place is super fun, and we may find creative perspectives that we would not always find if we were used to a venue with our favorite go-to spots.

All in all it was a fantastic day. Summer has been great this year, especially after the mess of a year we had with ZERO weddings over last Summer. Oh, and shameless plug here: If you have not checked out our other photography work over at for the studio side, go take a peek soon. That has been the other side of our busy world this year, and we’re working hard to make that something extra special. See you soon!

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