Category Archives: Parfaits

Year One

I told myself I did not want to start this post with a cliché. Actually I run the risk of the whole thing being a cliché, because if I’m to write about our first year of wonder with our little girl I cant help but sum it up with….get ready: It’s gone by way too...

Heading West

Well, it’s been a few weeks now and if you have not heard the Parfait crew is back in Texas. In the nicest most positive way I can say it: I LOATHE MOVING!! So why did we move? Over the last few years we’ve realized that Parfait Photo clients are mostly centered in the Southeast...

Claire Diane

So much has happened since my last post here on the blog.  We have since welcomed our first precious little bundle, Claire Diane.  She is everything and more than we could have ever imagined. Thank you to Jessica Beall of Jessica B. Photography for capturing these amazing moments that we will cherish forever!  You helped...

Mom’s Retirement

My parents are growing up!  *sniff sniff* You may remember my dad’s retirement pictures last year.  You can view them here: Dad’s Retirement.  He retired from the Beaumont Fire Department after 35 years of service!  Now it’s my mom’s turn!  Straight out of college she got her first teaching job and has been there ever...

The Little Things…

Kyle and I will be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary in May.  I can’t believe how fast these few years have gone by.  It really seems like it was last month when we became husband and wife!  Crazy! Throughout the last few years, something that has become our favorite thing to do is Mini Vacations!...

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