Bridal Portraits at Tyrrell Park Beaumont | Courtney

If you are a photographer in Southeast Texas, amateur or professional, weekend hobbyist, or simple iPhone user, you have probably taken some kind of photos at Tyrrell park in Beaumont. Honestly if you have ever been dressed in a sweater and stood in a family lineup for photos, it was probably at Tyrrell park somewhere along the line. Why not? It really is a beautiful place, well maintained and setup well for photos.

For us the challenge with popular locations is knowing that we as professionals are expected to create something beautiful and all around outstanding with every shoot, and having the same look as every other person in the Southeast Texas area won’t hit that mark we set for ourselves. For us, the approach is always light first, location second. In other words, we more often ignore a landscape if it doesn’t work to highlight our subject. For those who know the park, you may notice we hardly ever have photos near the fountain and water feature area. Why? Because the light reflects on the water harshly and rarely shows up well with a person in the photo. Photography is about light and composition. With people in portraits we want to direct a natural and flattering pose, while painting them with the best light possible.

Of course, as we always say, we are only as good as our subjects, and Courtney is, well…look at her! We have so enjoyed our time with her and Jordan over the last months leading up to their wedding. We have a lot to share from the wedding day, but as always, getting to share a bridal session is a special treat. Here are a few of our favorites!


Dress:  Brick House Bridal

Floral:  La Belle Fleur

Contact Us


Telephone (409) 673-5563
